The Other Public-Access Wi-Fi

Public Access WiFi appears to be undergoing an evolution of sorts. The current standard deployment method consists of mesh technology and many people supply this equipment. The key question is who should own this infrastructure and what fees should apply. Some experts are in favor of a tiered approach with the lowest level of service being provided free to the entire metro area, which higher levels of responsiveness and security come at increasingly higher rates. Another, newer, approach is a variant on the open access point (AP) approach. This means that people are not enabling the security codes and letting anyone come aboard and use their WiFi. This is actually a violation of most broadband agreements but it’s unknown whether providers are checking. Based on this open access model, the company FON has signed on customers who leave their access open and then are able to use other people’s access points when they travel away from home. Time Warner has recently signed a deal with FON and they have agreed that their customers can share the broadband service. The catch is Time Warner now has a contemporary roaming service that puts them a little ahead of their competition.
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One Response to The Other Public-Access Wi-Fi

  1. Lee Taylor says:

    What about security? I would not want some geek snooping around my network on the pretence of roaming.