Google is looking to offer 95% of the population free broadband within the next 10 years. Unfortunately, it seems that the FCC is thwarting their efforts.
Google has contacted the FCC and explained to them their interest in a wireless proposal set forth by M2Z Networks. M2Z is hoping to lease an unused slice of wireless spectrum between 2155 to 2175 MHz.
The FCC’s stance is that they’re waiting to hear how the public wants the spectrum to be used and licensed.
Google has my vote!
Via []
I really hope everything with this works out for the best. Wifi to the masses!
kudos to google. they have my vote as well. why put a stop to something that would benefit the masses? that just makes no sense. as we are moving towards the “jetson’s” in technology, it would only make sense to go with an “interconnected” society. we are already there with out “smart” phones…our air cards and what not. why shouldnt they be allowed to supply the network if they want to?? Another example of the “man” putting his thumb on innovation!!
Considering what we on the Hinternet have experienced to date, I hope Google has more luck than we have had in the past 3 years.
Government continues to be the single most unsurmountable impediment to progress forward in broadband deployment, wireless or otherwise… Only followed closely by carriers like Verizon…
We are going to build it if we can…
This concept will be awesome from an education perception to the underprivileged areas in rural America. The local schools would be able to implement the new technology into the existing curriculum to further future job related and real world skills that are necessary for survival in today’s rapidly evolving job market.
Awesome work Google; keep pushing the envelope in new developments and the betterment of the internet for everyone.
To quote an over-played info-mercial:
“If it’s free, it MUST be good!!”
Anyone ever hear of a Trojan Horse?
Anyone ever hear of Big Brother?
Isn’t Google software used by the Chinese government to filter
out any unwanted information from reaching their people, or is that
just an urban myth?
I like free stuff just as much as the next guy, but this appears to
me to be a method of subverting the infrastructure of our internet.
Wasn’t the internet originally developed as a computer network for national security purposes?
Someone’s picking up the tab for this venture, and Google, last I checked can be bought if your pockets are deep enough.
Seems to me the the government MAY actually be doing its job here.
Just this once.
Well, you can’t really say the FCC is blocking Google.
The airwaves are technically are ‘public’; business interests must (in theory) prove that the product or service using the proposed bandwidth will outweigh the benefits of the public use.
If you want to vote for Google, write the FCC and your congress-people supporting Goggle’s ideas.
But first do research on what the bandwidth is being used for right now. In a perfect system, bandwidth would be dished out sparingly to really worthwhile endeavors.
This is not always the case. Spectrum bandwidth can be awarded to private parties at the expense of the public. Usually the means, at the expense of emergency and disaster relief services, scientific research and amateur radio. This is not always bad, especially if nothing is really going on in the proposed band and there really is something could benefit the public. But it also a way to raise for the gov’t, too…
I think a lot of people tend to scoff at those uses since the internet and cell phones do make those modes pretty archaic, as long as the grid (power and telephone) is up. But when a real disaster happens and grids go down, that’s when ER/Red Cross need that bandwidth because it’s usually operator and power-redundant.
I hope Google could make it and bring free wireless internet to the world
The real stumbling block to free internet for the masses would be the loss of tax revenues to the government. We here in the USA pay the highest prices for internet access and this includes taxes on that service. The government has no interest in losing any revenue stream. All you need do is look at the amount of tax added to your phone, cable, and satellite bill. Multiply that by the number of people subscribing to that service and you start to understand why the current situation exists.
“The real stumbling block to free internet for the masses would be the loss of tax revenues to the government. We here in the USA pay the highest prices for internet access and this includes taxes on that service.”
That’s sort of a backwards view. So you’re restating that the biggest roadblock is the Government, while saying it argumentatively – somewhat. Are you just stating the fact that because fo the tax revenue basis it also makes it more difficult for the mooching Government types to want to give up the power? Then yeah, makes sense. If you’re blaming it on them in a conspiracy type way, that isn’t particuarly helpful.
The simple fact is, if we want increased levels of service, if we want to exceed Europe, Japan, and others as is, we need to open up this industry space and not keep it so manhandled/regulated/manipulated arbitrarily by people who don’t know WTF about technology in the first place.
We should have a standards body similar to the privately managed and maintained standards bodies that work for most of the other parts of the internet (ala W3C). The FCC, like many other entities (FRA, FAA, etc) have only served to severaly limit future development and progress. Massive and wasteful efforts go into making progress because at every turn one must thwart and circumvent what these agencies do.
I would prefer a free internet provided by the government over one provided by a private corporation. After all, the corporation (even if it’s Google) can block any expression it wants. Government is legally bound not to do so, so if it were caught we would have legal recourse. I don’t see why this can’t be done, except that we already allocate most of the country’s tax revenues to killing Iraqi civilians
fuck yall
Thanks to God for the Knowledge and remembrance of the masses in general
Thanks to Google for the new Technology for the masses so i won’t blame FCCfor the aguement now the public has votedn for Google.
so what next
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle keep it up
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