Category Archives: Health

Wi-Fi Health Study Gets Go Ahead

The BBC has announced that the Health Protection Agency is going to begin a systematic research program on how WiFi is used. The goal of this study is to determine how WiFi is being used and the possible radiation exposure that results from such use. Spokesmen from the HPA believe that the study will confirmContinue Reading

Schools Want Urgent Wi-Fi Advice

Debate over the safety of Wi-Fi radiation levels in Britain continues. Britain has adopted municipal Wi-Fi fairly well and has added millions of users and several wireless cities to its roster, but they’re now finding the debate over health and safety is spreading. Stirring the pot of contention is the BBC program Panorama, which isContinue Reading

Wi-Fi: A Warning Signal

Municipal Wi-Fi in Britain doesn’t seem to be hitting the same stumbling blocks that it’s American counterpart. With millions of subscribers and entire cities going Wi-Fi, Britain has developed a new concern… health risks. The radiation produced from a Wi-Fi tower is similar to that from a cell phone tower. And in 2000 Sir WilliamContinue Reading

Wi-Fi: Children At Risk From ‘Electronic Smog’

Sir William Stewart, head of the Health Protection Agency in the U.K., wants a probe on whether the use of Wi-Fi in schools poses any danger on students. Such action is also being sought by the Professional Association of Teachers — the group has called on Secretary of State for Education Alan Johnson to launchContinue Reading

Wi-Fi: Children At Risk From ‘Electronic Smog’

Sir William Stewart, head of the Health Protection Agency in the U.K., wants a probe on whether the use of Wi-Fi in schools poses any danger on students. Such action is also being sought by the Professional Association of Teachers — the group has called on Secretary of State for Education Alan Johnson to launchContinue Reading