Ignore The Skype Hype

People who find using Skype to contact landline or mobile phones expensive can use other methods to save on call fees.

Both parties can call for free if they have instant messaging applications such as MSN Messenger downloaded on their computers, plus a headset with microphone. Jajah.com, meanwhile, allows anyone from North America, Australasia and Europe to make calls using normal phones so long as both parties have subscribed to the hybrid “web-activated” service. One of the users just needs to type both phone numbers onto the web page and this will let the parties talk for free. In addition, by loading £10 into their account every few months, users of VoIP Stunt and VoIP Cheap can make web-to-phone calls to most of Europe, North America, Australasia and southeast Asia for free.
Via [business.timesonline.co.uk]

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