Category Archives: Products

Aruba Plans For Success

Wireless LAN is fine for data, and most companies using the technology have their systems at about 10 percent wireless with the rest still on Ethernet. But to go all the way requires voice capabilities, and to achieve phone mobility you need a wireless system. According to Dominic Orr, chief executive of Aruba, the differenceContinue Reading

Wi-Fi Music Player Cuts Out The PC

MusicGremlin is one of the latest Wi-Fi enabled music players in the market. The $299 device comes with an 802.11 wireless connection and carries 8 GB of storage or about 2,000 MP3, WMA, or WMA DRM worth of tracks. At $14.99 per month, subscribers get access to MusicGremlin Direct’s 2-million-track music library directory, which isContinue Reading

Skyhook Woos Developers With Wi-Fi-Based Alternative To GPS

Skyhook i trying to attract developers to thier WiFi positioning system (WPS). The alternative to GPS uses data from wardriving to locate a user based on the access points they are near. In urban areas where GPS can fail, WPS is supposed to be able to work. The company seems to be targeting developers ofContinue Reading

4.9 And Wi-Fi In One Card

Motorola is releasing a new wireless card, but not one meant for ordinary consumers. The Card operates as a normal 2.4 Ghz 802.11b/g card but also operates on the licensed 4.9Ghz public safety spectrum. This combo card allows for alot of flexibility for emergency personnel and first responders to setup networks without having to competeContinue Reading

Wireless Networking Kit Sales On The Up

As any wardriver could tell you, the sales of wireless networking gear is on the rise. $639 million dollars worth of gear was sold in the first quarter of 2006 alone. WiMax also is on the rise, with sales expected to top 1.7 Billion by 2009. That’s alot of gear. Via []Continue Reading

IT – Beware Of Consumer Wi-Fi Phones

Nokia’s 6136 and Samsung’s T709 are a new kind of cell phone; they’re Wi-Fi enabled and ready to provide uninterrupted connections no matter where you are. Wi-Fi enabled phones are intended to travel seamlessly from Wi-Fi to cellular without a loss in data. But users be warned: if dropped calls will wreak havoc on yourContinue Reading

Gadgets, Gizmos Next Up For WiFi

Two companies are releasing wireless chipsets that will enable consumers to share videos and other entertainment wirelessly. Airgo Networks will supply high-speed wireless chips to ST Microelectronics and Caton Overseas, a German manufacturer of set-top boxes for various satellite and cable TV companies. Texas Instruments will offer wireless chips for portable consumer gadgets such asContinue Reading

USRobotics Delays Pre-Standard 802.11n Equipment

The 802.11n draft drama continues. Netgear is pressing forward, releasing a WiFi ADSL modem based on the non ratified draft 802.11n spec. USR on the other had has decided to hold off on thier pre-n offerings until later in the year when the standard should be more or less ratified. Which one will gain andContinue Reading

Wi-Fi/VoIP iPod Could Attract 100m Users

Bundling reaches new heights with plans to add WiFi and VoIP to items such as Apple’s iPod digital media players. A new study suggests that the combination, called “real-time Internet,” will become the preferred way for consumers to access the Internet in the future. 100 million consumer mobile VoIP users are expected by the yearContinue Reading

UK Sales Of Wi-Fi Equipment Soar

The growing demand for Wi-Fi technology led to a dramatic rise in sales of Wi-FI equipment in the U.K. over the past year. According to a new study by analyst firm GfK, sales of wireless routers totaled £24 million, or an increase of 108 percent from the first quarter of 2005 to the same periodContinue Reading

Meru Makes A Wi-Fi Backbone

Meru Networks has added wireless backbone support to it’s lineup. The technology allows for accesspoints to no longer be chained to a wire. The technology bonds multiple WiFi channels together to allow for more bandwidth on the backhaul, while reserving channels for clients to use. This should allow for more bandwidth in between building backbonesContinue Reading

Lock Out Wi-Fi Users With Fingerprint Reader

Silex Technology unveiled a new device that will require fingerprint identification to gain access to a WiFi network. According to a Silex spokesman, the Silex Bio-NetGuard will likely be sold for $499. It contains a Fujitsu MBF200 fingerprint sensor, which when touched, will prompt the device to scour its database of 27,000 unique fingerprint keyContinue Reading

WiFi Is Us

Japanese chip giant Renesas Technology Corp. is cooperating with Israeli company, Metalink, to develop a high-speed video transmission solution for domestic consumers’ wireless networks. Renesas, in control of a 33% share of the global embedded cip market for semiconductors in elecronic entertainment, cellular phones, automotive navigation devices, and more, plans to integrate Metalink’s 802.11n compliantContinue Reading

Storage Goes Wi-Fi With Iomega NAS

Iomega has dived into the wireless NAS market. The StorCenter Wireless boasts an impressive 1 terabyte of storage capacity. The unit, along with it’s wireless capability has a pair of USB ports for extra drives or for a printer using the units own internal print server. At $900 it’s quite a decent way to getContinue Reading

Linux Gets Native WiFi Support

Devicescape Software seems to have seen the light and realized that helping the open source world is in it’s best interests. The company has donated technology to allow for native support of WiFi in linux. No word on which chipsets or what exactly the technology is, but given the difficulty in getting support from manufacturers,Continue Reading