Category Archives: Products

First 802.11n Products Show Standard’s Promise

Linksys has joined the Pre-N crowd with the WRT300N. Performance is impressive, but there is still the question of future interoperability since the 802.11n standard has not been ratified. There are also some technical glitches to work out, such as the interference problem with older 802.11g gear. Early adopters should beware they are purchasing inContinue Reading

Dell’s Latest Latitudes Use Wireless To Get Ahead

Dell’s new Latitude D series laptops are available equipped with an EDGE or EVDO card for connection to cellular broadband networks from either Cingular or Verizon respectivly. This defiatly shows that there is a market (probobly mostly for business travellers) for Wireless WAN hardware to be integrated into the laptop itself. A service contract withContinue Reading

Startup Launches With Promise Of Cheaper Wireless VoIP

A Florida company is claiming to have developed a new wireless VOIP service to compete directly with cellular providers. The new proprietary technology called xMax claims to offer the cost of setting up a base station to be in the thousands, not the millions currently costing cellular providers. Scant of details and lack of testing,Continue Reading

Platform Aids Location-Aware Wi-Fi Applications

Application vendor Newbury has released a new product to make it easier for enterprises to leverage positional data on thier WiFi clients. The software allows network owners to track the location of clients through a number of AP’s and can launch location specific services based on that location. The system can also track the locationContinue Reading

Wi-Fi Phones Still Rough Around The Edges

WiFi phones are a neat concept, but are’nt quite ready for prime time. Besides obvous association problems and lack of styling, the hardware Wi-Fi phones are’nt nearly as good as ‘softphones’ which run on PDA’s and laptops. While definatly a good idea, it’s not enough to make anyone want to ditch thier cell phone quiteContinue Reading

WiFi Suppliers Try To Avoid Big Squeeze

The market for wireless devices is high, however profits are down because the per unit cost is falling. Manufacturers are scrambling to find ways to prop up sales of thier products. One way seems to be the ‘ala carte’ method of a modular wireless network where the customer only buys what they need and canContinue Reading

Firm Testing Wireless Signals To Dispense Drugs

Making sure that patients take thier drugs on time and take all of thier medication is a concern of doctors everywhere. MicroCHIPS Inc seems to have an innovative, though intrusive solution. Using commands sent wirelessly to an implanted drug ‘box’ in the patient, they can dispense the drugs on command. No mention however is thierContinue Reading

Seagate To Demo Wireless USB Hard Drive

Seagate Technology will demonstrate an external hard drive connected to the PC via Wireless USB ultrawideband, the company said Monday. Via []Continue Reading

Newbury, Senforce Release Wi-Fi Security Suite

Newbury Networks Inc., and Senforce Technologies, Inc. have integrated their wireless security products to allow organizations to manage Wi-Fi security policies throughout their networks. Via []Continue Reading

Car Makers Accelerate Wi-Fi Adoption

A growing focus on portability and consumer electronics has bolstered demand for wireless technologies in the western European automotive industry, according to newly published research. Via []Continue Reading

Netgear’s Newest MIMO Wi-Fi Gets Full Test

The test is a disaster for the IEEE and 802.11n. The good news is that the new Wi-Fi MIMO technology really does reach throughput speeds of 100Mbps. The bad news: it utterly crushed a neighbouring network that used standard 802.11g. Via []Continue Reading

Faster Gear To Drive Wi-Fi Market

Consumers won’t wait to snap up new, faster wireless LAN gear this year, research company Dell’Oro Group said Tuesday, even though the IEEE 802.11n standard responsible for the latest breakthrough probably won’t be signed off on until 2007. Via []Continue Reading

Converged Wi-Fi/Mobile Services Due This Year

Following successful trials of Wi-Fi/mobile phone convergence last year, services are likely to be rolled out commercially in 2006, new research has predicted. Via []Continue Reading

Israeli-Turkish Team Targets Wireless TV Market

Wireless multimedia processor startup Adimos Wireless Multimedia is teaming with Turkey’s Beko Elektronik, a player in the European consumer market, to integrate wireless technology into LCD TVs and other displays. Via []Continue Reading

Home Networking Meets Home Theater

With the next major wireless standard in a holding pattern, companies are broadening the features of their Wi-Fi networking products, particularly in the area of home entertainment. Via []Continue Reading