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So you want to be a Security Consultant?

This is my first guest blogging opportunity on and I wanted to discuss what I believe is missing in most of the student/consultants I encounter. I would recommend these things for anyone preparing to be a consultant in IT security. So, the first and most important thing to learn in my opinion is TCP/IP.Continue Reading

iPhone Music Store Plus Apple And Starbucks/T-Mobile Wi-Fi Agreement

We have received word and rumors are spreading that Apple and Starbucks/T-Mobile will be announcing a special deal to allow for iPhone Wi-Fi access at Starbucks/T-Mobile sites. The terms and details of the announcement are not yet known, but we hear that this is going to arrive at the same time that the iTunes storeContinue Reading

Vodafone To Be Sued For VoIP Blocking?

Vodafone is looking at some legal troubles for trying to stop VoIP. James Tagg, Chief Executive of Truphone claims that Vodafone is failing to meet interconnection obligations, blocking competitor websites and disabling internet telephony. He also claims that Vodafone blocks calls coming to their customers from people using Truphone services. Vodafone’s official stance is thatContinue Reading

Report: Apple Will Charge For 802.11n Access

Mac owners will need to pay if they want to enable the 802.11n draft standard in their machines, according to Mac enthusiast websites, AppleInsider and MacFixIt. The said technology is integrated but not turned on in all Macs operating on Core 2 Duo or Xeon processors save for the 17-inch 1.83GHz iMac. The fee isContinue Reading

Intel Touts WiMAX As Fix For India’s Digital Divide

Intel Corp. chairman Craig Barrett sees WiMax as a solution to India’s digital divide. Barrett said WiMax “is relatively inexpensive and relatively simple” and therefore “ideal for rural environment where there is limited infrastructure in place.” He made these remarks following his tour of Baramati, a town that Intel adopted under its World Ahead Program.Continue Reading

Florida Offers Free Wi-Fi For Motorists

The Florida Department of Transportation plans to offer free WiFi service to traveling motorists. Under the project, 50 to 60 Wi-Fi hotspots will be placed at various sites — rest stops, turnpike plazas, welcome centers and truck weigh stations — on interstate 95 and other major highways in the state. The plan also involves installingContinue Reading

Taipei’s Citywide Wi-Fi Passes Test

Taipei could be the first city to deploy a city-wide Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi hotspot directory JiWire Inc. has dispatched a team to test the network, which supports 4,000 hotspots that could service 90 percent of the city’s population numbering 2.8 million. People can gain access to the network by subscribing to Q-ware Systems, Inc. andContinue Reading

Chicago Wireless Plan Advances

Chicago plans to spend $18.5 million to blanket the city in Wi-Fi so its citizens can easily access and afford the Internet. Approximately 7,500 antennas will be needed to create the wireless network, with access points mounted on top of city-owned streetlights and lamp poles as well as privately-owned sites. The city is looking forContinue Reading

Why Baseball Needs Wi-Fi

Technology in the stands at baseball games seems to be an odd thing, but teams need to adapt to the future and one of the things being considered it wireless internet access for fans in the stands. The idea is to compete with sites like and allow fans to stay connected to other games,Continue Reading

Sprint Offshoot Tries Muni Wi-Fi

So the telco’s jump up and down and lobby states to pass laws prohibiting municipalities from offering Municipal Wifi themselves, but are more than happy to step up and do it themselves. Sprint’s offshoot, Embarq is testing a few sites in Henderson, Nevada after the city expressed interest in municipal wireless in October. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Provider Pitches Skype Users

US Wi-Fi hotspot aggregator Boingo will today hop on the Skype bandwagon and begin promoting its wireless Internet access sites as VoIP locations. Via []Continue Reading

AT&T Expands Hotspot Network

AT&T has expanded its wireless Internet footprint, with the addition of WiFi hotspots around the world, bringing the total to 9,094 sites, 5,770 of them in the United States. Including wired Ethernet access, AT&T now boasts more than 10,000 sites worldwide. Via []Continue Reading

T-Mobile Launches WiMax Net Access For UK Trains

T-Mobile has pledged to take its global Wi-Fi hotspot tally to 20,000 sites by the end of the year, including both fixed locations and mobile access points on UK trains connected to the net via WiMax. Via []Continue Reading

Gigabit Wi-Fi Looms Large

Among the factors that have held back enterprise uptake of wireless LANs outside greenfield sites have been security fears and lack of performance compared to wireline Ethernet. The past week has brought little reassurance on the first point, but has highlighted developments pointing to the creation of Gigabit Wi-Fi. Via []Continue Reading

Sweden’s Rail Stations To Roll Out Wi-Fi

Sweden’s railway stations are to gain public Wi-Fi hotspots, with the first 55 sites coming on line by the end of January 2005, it emerged today. Via []Continue Reading